A Word From our Wedding Venue about Black Lives Matter
To all our black friends, partners, tradespeople, clients, and citizens of the world, we stand with you.
We are deeply grieved and outraged by racial injustice. Like you, we are listening, learning, and leaning into uncomfortable conversations. We are committed to the ongoing work essential to supporting the black community to ensure racial justice for all people.
In pursuit of education, empathy, and equality, we have found the following resource list to be extraordinarily helpful. Learning is hard—unlearning, even harder. But we are determined to make a difference.
With great love and respect for you all,
Lone Star Mansion
Showing Up for Racial Injustice
Dear White People on IGTV Series Hosted by Emmanuel Acho
The Daily Show YouTube Featuring Trevor Noah
75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice
Justice for George Floyd
This is Ahumaud Arbery
A People’s History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Just Mercy, by Bryab Stevenson
The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander
White Frajility, by Robin Diangelo
Why You Need to Quit Saying All Lives Matter
Let’s stand together to ensure a bright future where justice shines among everyone equally.